Privacy Policy

Our websites use selected advertising partners in order to provide niche services for our visitors. By using this website, and any of our other websites, you agree to the following terms and conditions.

We do not have any control over some of the websites we may link to or what level of data those third party websites or content providers may collect in order to provide you with any of the niche services you choose to use. For more details about what information any of the other websites we link to may collect, you must view the privacy policy for each individual website.

This website does not collect sensitive personally identifying information about our visitors. We may collect non-personal information from your browser, this information can include basic information such as your isp address, your web browser, what language you use, and the time and date of your visit. Any information collected may also be provided to authorities without your express permission if required by law.

This website, and our advertising partners or other service providers may use cookies to uniquely identify your computer in order to monitor and improve our website or in order to smoothly operate any provided services. You can easily block or remove cookies from your browser at any time.